Skandinavischer Kunstdruck: Wandbild im Cottage Style Poster Club

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Transform your walls with our unique wall art!

All posters
  • Unique posters and art prints for your home

    Immerse yourself in the world of modern posters and art prints by Amavielle that will add a special touch to any interior. Each piece, created by the talented artist Amavielle, is printed with the highest quality to give your home that special something.

  • Posters and art prints: Unique wall art for every room

    Each wall art in our collection tells its own story and creates an inspiring ambience in any room . We have prepared ready-made collections for various interior design styles to make your choice easier. Discover our art prints and posters and transform your rooms into places full of inspiration.

  • Wall art for your interior design

    Amavielle offers a special selection of art prints and posters that will add personality and style to your rooms. Our collection includes everything from Japandi art prints to country wall art to Scandinavian posters to ensure a diverse selection to suit your interior style.

  • High-quality art prints on premium paper

    Our art prints and posters are printed on 200gsm premium matte paper to best reflect the colors and unique feel of each artwork. The wall art is characterized by its smooth surface and durability , which ensures that you can enjoy your artwork for a long time.

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Discover unique downloadable art prints

Skandinavische Kunstdrucke als Gallery Wall

Printable wall art available to download

Discover our digital art prints and posters to download and print. Our mission at Amavielle is to make it quick and easy for you to add inspiring art to your space. Browse through our selection of digital downloads and find the perfect wall art to print yourself today.

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Frequently asked questions

Why digital art prints?

Instant Access : Get instant access to your new posters with our digital downloads.

Flexibility : Print your artwork in different sizes to suit your space and personal style.

Environmentally friendly : By purchasing digital products, you save resources and minimize your ecological footprint.

Find out more about Amavielle and her art prints here.

When will I receive my digital art prints?

You will receive your printables immediately after your purchase as a download link by email.

Will I receive all digital formats?

When you purchase an art print you will receive your chosen format, or all formats listed with the poster if you choose "All Formats".

We have formats from 13x18 cm - 50x70 cm. Not all posters are available in all formats.

Which paper should I use to print at home?

For printing at home: You can easily print DIN A5 and DIN A4 formats at home. Thicker printer paper, e.g. 140 g/m², is suitable for this. There is also inkjet fine art paper for printing at home.

At a print shop: You can have your art prints printed at a poster print provider or directly at an art print shop. If you have paper to choose from, we recommend matt, uncoated fine art paper.